Atoka - The Command Line Interface

atoka is a command line tool that allows you to perform some simple actions against the Atoka API. No coding, no headache 😎

Getting started

Getting started with atoka is easy, but it requires a few steps.


First of all, you have to download the right atoka client for you OS from this list:

and put it in your favourite folder!

How to get a secret token

In order to use the client you have to provide a valid Atoka API token, which usually looks like this d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815. To get one write to

You can either pass it using the -t --token flag,


atoka.exe --token <your-token> ping

linux & mac os

./atoka --token <your-token> ping

or to avoid passing the flag every time you can set the ATOKEN environmental variable to pass it automatically, like this


SET ATOKEN=<your-token>

linux & mac os

export ATOKEN=<your-token>
./atoka ping

or this (only linux & mac os)

ATOKEN=<your-token> ./atoka ping

Every other example in this readme will use the flag --token and d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 as an example token.

Did I do everything right?

We hate to waste your time so, before going crazy, let's check that everything is up and running. Open the prompt and run these commands

windows (cmd)

C:\Users\... > cd <atoka-folder>
C:\Users\..\<atoka-folder> > atoka ping --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815
Successfully pinged Atoka servers.
Everything is fine.

linux & mac os

$ cd <atoka-folder>
$ ./atoka ping --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815
Successfully pinged Atoka servers.
Everything is fine.

Congrats! 👍 Easy, right?

You're now up and running with atoka. There are a variety of things you can do to start using the tool. Check out our use cases!

Use Case: From Tax code to Data

Do you have a tax code and are you wondering who's this person?


Save your tax code in a file called input.txt in the same folder of atoka.exe.

C:\Users\...\ > cd <atoka-folder>
C:\Users\...\<atoka-folder> > atoka --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 people download input.txt

linux & mac os

$ cd <atoka-folder>
$ echo "<TAX_CODE>" > input.txt
$ ./atoka --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 people download input.txt


a new file named output_<NOW>.json appears in the same folder, check it out: this is just a sample of the content

  "items": [
      "country": "it",
      "id": "pABC1234dsad1jkfhdak",
      "name": "Mario Rossi",
      "base": {
         "data": "here"
  "meta": {
    "count": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 1000

Of course, this is the simplest example ever. More tax codes can be provided by adding them to 'input.txt' one for each line:

tax code 1
tax code 2
tax code 3

An MS Excel file format (.xlsx) works as well: insert the tax codes in the first column; no header required.

Advanced Usage

atoka people download INPUT --token TOKEN [--packages PACKAGES] [--output OUTPUT] [--report REPORT] [--silent]
Param Description Default
INPUT path to the input file containing people identifiers (e.g. tax codes)
--token TOKEN, -t TOKEN see "How to get a secret token"
--packages PACKAGES, -p PACKAGES package to retrieve, can be specified multiple times, read more *
--output FILE, -o FILE path to the results file ./output_<NOW>.json
--report REPORT, -r REPORT path to the report file ./report_<NOW>.json
--pagesize PAGESIZE, -P PAGESIZE paginate output in files of PAGESIZE elements. Setting it to 0 disables pagination 100000
--silent, -s don't print on the terminal
--help, -h display the help message and exit
--version display version and exit


Do you want to find duplicated customers in your user base?




C:\Users..\<atoka-folder> > atoka.exe people download input.txt --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 --report the-report.json --silent

linux & mac os

$ ./atoka people download input.txt --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 --report the-report.json --silent

Result: report.json

    "items": {
        "VALIDTAXCODE001": "found",
        "INVALIDTAXCODE1": "invalid",
        "VALIDTAXCODE002": "found",
        "VALIDTAXCODE001": "duplicate",
        "NOTFOUNDTAXCODE": "not_found",
    "meta": {
        "input_size": 5,
        "invalid": 1,
        "duplicates": 1,
        "not_found": 1,
        "found": 2,
        "found_multiple": 0,
        "output_size": 2

Let's try another one: export full name and birth date of your customers (you will need to have jq installed)


C:\Users\...\<atoka-folder> > atoka.exe people download input.txt --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 --packages base --output out.json
C:\Users\...\<atoka-folder> > jq.exe ".items[].base | .taxId + \"\t\" + .givenName + \" \" + .familyName + \"\t\" + .birthDate" out.json

linux & mac os

$ ./atoka people download input.txt --token d05dbda5d4ea49edb35e6130506ac815 --packages base --output out.json
$ cat out.json | jq -r '.items[].base | .taxId + "\t" + .givenName + " " + .familyName + "\t" + .birthDate'

Result output

VALIDTAXCODE001   name1 surname1  1900-01-01
VALIDTAXCODE002   name2 surname2  1900-01-01


You can find the source code for Atoka CLI at

[Windows] Create a script file for launching the atoka command

In the same directory of atoka.exe create a file atoka.bat and open it with a text editor (not Microsoft Word, notepad is fine) and fill it with the following:

SET ATOKEN=<your-token>

atoka.exe people download <input-file>

set /p temp="Hit enter to continue"

Make sure to write your API token in place of <your-token> and your choosen input file name in place of <input-file> (for example input.txt). You can add any other options you want to the atoka.exe command like for example --packages or --page-size.

The last line is just needed to keep the window open once it finishes.

Now you just need to place the input file in the same folder and double click on atoka.bat to launch atoka and create the report and output jsons.

Installing dependencies

Make sure to have a working installation of Go and Dep and that the code is in the right folder in your GOPATH $GOPATH/src/, then just run dep ensure from that folder.

$ export GOPATH=/src/
$ dep ensure

Building binaries

In the repo there is a makefile with target for:

  • all build all binaries
  • windows binary for windows 64 bit
  • mac binary for mac 64 bit
  • linux binary for linux 64 bit
  • windows32 binary for windows 32 bit
  • linux32 binary for linux 32 bit
$ make all