Atoka API User Reference

Companies package "Atoka Indicators"

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Available fields
Used by filters

Normalized score from 0 to 1 based on categorization of companies. A score of 0.60 means that the company has larger innovation raw score than 60% of companies of the same ateco. More details in the glossary

float innovationCategoryScoreMin innovationCategoryScoreMax

text representation of the categoryScore, values can be: top, high, medium, low

"string" innovationCategoryScores

Normalized score from 0 to 1. A score of 0.60 means that the company has larger innovation raw score than 60% of companies. More details in the glossary

float innovationScoreMin innovationScoreMax

text representation of the innovationScore, values can be: top, high, medium, low

"string" innovationScores

last update time for score and category score

date -

Reliability Class for the company, A being the highest and most reliable.

"A", "B", "C", "D", "E" reliabilityScoreClass

Label of the Reliability Class.

"Very high", "Good", "Moderate", "Low", "Not Rated" -

Date when the score was last computed.

date -
webCentrality.categoryScore Private field

Normalized score from 0 to 1 based on categorization of companies. A score of 0.60 means that the company has larger PageRank than 60% of companies of the same ateco. More details in the glossary

float webCentralityCategoryScoreMin webCentralityCategoryScoreMax
webCentrality.categoryScoreLabel Private field

text representation of the categoryScore, values can be: top, high, medium, low

"string" webCentralityCategoryScores
webCentrality.score Private field

Normalized score from 0 to 100. A score of 60 means that the company has larger PageRank than 60% of companies More details in the glossary

float webCentralityScoreMin webCentralityScoreMax
webCentrality.scoreLabel Private field

text representation of the innovationScore, values can be: top, high, medium, low

"string" webCentralityScores
webCentrality.updateTime Private field

last update time for score and category score

date -
Example JSON fragment for package
"innovation": {
"score": 0.42,
"scoreLabel": "foo",
"categoryScore": 0.42,
"categoryScoreLabel": "foo",
"updateTime": "2015-12-24"
"webCentrality": {
"score": 0.42,
"scoreLabel": "foo",
"categoryScore": 0.42,
"categoryScoreLabel": "foo",
"updateTime": "2015-12-24"
"reliabilityScore": {
"class": "A",
"classLabel": "Very high",
"updated": "2015-12-24"