Atoka API User Reference
Companies package "Base"
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Available fields | Description | Data | Used by filters | Facet | Match | Stats |
active | is the company active? | true | false | active | |||
activeAtoka Private field | custom definition of "activity" specific for Atoka; it is more restrictive, marking as "inactive" companies that have ongoing proceedings such as bankruptcy or similar | true | false | activeAtoka | |||
activityStatus.insolvencyProceeding Private field | When the company is in specific activity statuses, this field gives more details about the type of insolvency proceeding the company is in. | "string" | insolvencyProceedings insolvencyProceedingsExclude | ||| Private field | Activity status of the company | "string" | - | |||
activityStatus.since Private field | Date on which the company entered the activity status | date | - | |||
agcm.expirationDate Private field | expiration date for the current rating. A company can request to be assigned (or reassigned) the rating to the AGCM, and once given the rating is valid for 2 years. AGCM also updates the rating every week | date | - | |||
agcm.outcome Private field | Result of the rating, one of [ "Non applicabilità della legge", "Rating Attribuito", "Rating Revocato", "Rating Rinnovato"] | "string" | - | |||
agcm.procedureNumber Private field | Procedure number | "string" | - | |||
agcm.rating Private field | legality rating expressed in "<nr_star>.<nr_plus>". For the meaning of star and plus see the glossary or visit the AGCM website | "string" | agcmRatingMin agcmRatingMax | |||
agcm.ratingDescription Private field | symbolic representation of the rating legality rating (e.g. "**+") | "string" | - | |||
agcm.renewing Private field | is the rating currenlty going through in renewal phase? | true | false | - | |||
agcm.updateTime Private field | latest time the rating was assigned | date | - | |||
agcm.visitTime Private field | latest time we downloaded the rating data | date | - | |||
allAtecoInfoCamere[] Private field | - | - | ||||
allAtecoInfoCamere[].code Private field | ATECO 2007 code (the most specific one) | "string" | atecoInfoCamere atecoInfoCamereExclude atecoInfoCamereMatch=* | |||
allAtecoInfoCamere[].description Private field | short description of ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
allAtecoInfoCamere[].relevance Private field | the relevance of the ATECO 2007 code for this company | "string" | - | |||
allAtecoInfoCamere[].rootCode Private field | the class of the ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
alternateNames[] Private field | list of alternative names for this company | - | - | |||
alternateNames[].best Private field | Indicates if the alternate name is the best (in terms of Atoka) | true | false | - | |||
alternateNames[].lpScore Private field | score of the alternative name | float | - | |||
alternateNames[].name Private field | alternative name for this company | "string" | - | |||
ateco[] | - | - | ||||
ateco[].code | ATECO 2007 code (the most specific one) | "string" | ateco atecoExclude | |||
ateco[].description | short description of ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
ateco[].rootCode | the class of the ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
atecoInfoCamere[] | - | - | ||||
atecoInfoCamere[].code | ATECO 2007 code (the most specific one) | "string" | atecoInfoCamere atecoInfoCamereExclude atecoInfoCamereMatch=primary | |||
atecoInfoCamere[].description | short description of ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
atecoInfoCamere[].rootCode | the class of the ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
businessDescription Private field | Description of main business activity of the company | "string" | - | |||
businessDescriptionContent[] Private field | Pieces of relevant business description content for result of full-text search with | "string" | businessDescriptionContent businessDescriptionContentTag tagStart tagEnd | |||
cciaa | forms, together with | "string" | regNumbers cciaa | |||
founded | when the company started its activity | date | ageMin ageMax foundedFrom foundedTo ageUnknown | |||
foundedYear | year when the company first started its activity | int | ageYearMin ageYearMax foundedYearFrom foundedYearTo | |||
gov | is the company a government related company? | true | false | gov | |||
govCode | government related company code (if the company is a PA) | "string" | govCodes | |||
govType | official ISTAT type of the government related company (if the company is a PA) | "string" | govTypes govTypesExclude | |||
identifiers[].name | human-readable language-specific name for this identifier | "string" | - | |||
identifiers[].type | type of identifier | "string" | - | |||
identifiers[].value | value of this identifier for this company | "string" | regNumbers | |||
inGroup | whether the company is part of a company group or not (the whole group can be retrieved with the | true | false | - | |||
legalClass | legal status class of the company (e.g. "Società Di Capitale") | "string" | legalClasses legalClassesExclude | |||
legalForms[] | - | - | ||||
legalForms[].level | level 1 is the same as the 'legalClass' field; level 2 is a more specific legal form within the legalClass | int | - | |||
legalForms[].name | legal status of the company (e.g. "Società In Accomandita Semplice") | "string" | legalForms | |||
legalName | legal name of the company | "string" | name namePrefix nameQuery | |||
marketSectors[] Private field | - | marketSectors marketSectorsExclude marketSectorsMatch | ||||
marketSectors[].division Private field | short description of the division | "string" | - | |||
marketSectors[].divisionCode Private field | code of the division | "string" | - | |||
marketSectors[].industry Private field | short description of the industry | "string" | - | |||
marketSectors[].industryCode Private field | code of the industry | "string" | - | |||
marketSectors[].sector Private field | short description of the sector | "string" | - | |||
marketSectors[].sectorCode Private field | code of the sector | "string" | - | |||
nace[] | - | nace naceExclude | ||||
nace[].code | most specific NACE code | "string" | - | |||
nace[].description | short description of NACE Code | "string" | - | |||
nace[].rootCode | the code of the root | "string" | - | |||
noRea | is the company a no rea? | true | false | noRea | |||
noReaInfo.activities[] Private field | "string" | noReaActivities noReaActivitiesExclude | ||||
noReaInfo.forms[] Private field | "string" | noReaForms noReaFormsExclude | ||||
oggettoSociale Private field | Oggetto Sociale of the company | "string" | - | |||
oggettoSocialeContent[] Private field | Pieces of relevant website content for results of full-text search with | "string" | oggettoSocialeContent oggettoSocialeContentTag tagStart tagEnd | |||
pec[] Private field | list of certified email addresses associated to this company (Italian PEC, Posta Elettronica Certificata) | "string" | - | |||
pmiSize | - | - | |||| | "micro", "small", "medium" | pmiSizes pmiSizesExclude | ||||
pmiSize.official | true | false | pmiSizesIncludeAll | ||||
rae.code | RAE code | "string" | - | |||
rae.description | short description of RAE Code | "string" | - | |||
rea | forms, together with | "string" | regNumbers | |||
registeredAddress.distance | distance from the passed coordinates | int | distance | |||
registeredAddress.fullAddress | complete address of this location | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.hamlet | hamlet of this location | "string" | - | ||| | latitude for this location | float | lat | |||
registeredAddress.latlonPrecision | precision of the geolocation data ('lat' and 'lon') | int | - | |||
registeredAddress.lon | longitude for this location | float | lon | |||
registeredAddress.macroregion | macro region for this location | "string" | macroregions macroregionsExclude anyAddress=false | |||
registeredAddress.municipality | municipality for this location | "string" | municipalities municipalitiesExclude anyAddress=false | |||
registeredAddress.postcode | postcode for this location | "string" | postcodes postcodesExclude anyAddress=false | |||
registeredAddress.province | province for this location | "string" | provinces provincesExclude anyAddress=false | |||
registeredAddress.provinceCode | code of the province for this location | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.region | region for this location | "string" | regions regionsExclude anyAddress=false | |||
registeredAddress.state | state for this location | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.stateCode | stateCode for this location | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.streetName | name of the street where the company is located | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.streetNumber | number of building where the company is located | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.toponym | toponym describing the address (e.g. 'via', 'piazza' etc.) | "string" | - | |||
registeredAddress.validForDeliveryPurposes Private field | is the address valid for delivery purposes according to a comprehensive set of checks? | true | false | validDeliveryAddress | |||
sae.code | SAE code | "string" | - | |||
sae.description | short description of SAE Code | "string" | - | |||
signs[] | - | signs signsQuery | ||||
signs[].sign | the "signs" ("insegne") identifying a company | "string" | - | |||
sircSector[] Private field | - | - | ||||
sircSector[].code Private field | SIRC sector code (the most specific one) | "string" | sircSectors sircSectorsExclude | |||
sircSector[].industry Private field | short description of the industry | "string" | - | |||
sircSector[].level Private field | what is the level of this node in the sector tree, possible values are | "string" | - | |||
sircSector[].macroSector Private field | short description of the macro sector | "string" | - | |||
sircSector[].sector Private field | short description of the sector | "string" | - | |||
startup | is the company a startup? | true | false | startup | |||
taxId | the tax ID ("codice fiscale") of the company | "string" | taxIds regNumbers | |||
validIdentifiers Private field | does the company have at least one valid identifier? | true | false | validIdentifiers | |||
vat | the VAT ID ("partita IVA") of the company | "string" | vat regNumbers |
Example JSON fragment for package
{"sae": {"code": "1", "description": "Amministrazioni pubbliche" },"rae": {"code": "1", "description": "Commercio al minuto di automobili" },"rea": "foo", "cciaa": "foo", "vat": "foo", "taxId": "foo", "legalForms": [{"level": 42, "name": "foo" },...],"legalClass": "foo", "legalName": "foo", "alternateNames": [{"name": "foo", "lpScore": 0.42, "best": false },...],"signs": [{"sign": "foo" },...],"startup": false, "gov": false, "govCode": "foo", "govType": "foo", "active": false, "activeAtoka": false, "ateco": [{"code": "64.92.09", "description": "altre attività creditizie nca", "rootCode": "G" },...],"atecoInfoCamere": [{"code": "64.92.09", "description": "altre attività creditizie nca", "rootCode": "G" },...],"allAtecoInfoCamere": [{"code": "64.92.09", "description": "altre attività creditizie nca", "rootCode": "G", "relevance": "Primaria Albo Artigiani" },...],"sircSector": [{"code": "B.A.04", "level": "sector", "sector": "Birra", "macroSector": "Bevande", "industry": "Largo consumo" },...],"marketSectors": [{"industry": "Food & Beverage", "industryCode": "44030", "division": "Agricoltura", "divisionCode": "FBV_01", "sector": "Produzione Di Cereali", "sectorCode": "AA02" },...],"founded": "2015-12-24", "foundedYear": 42, "nace": [{"code": "68", "description": "Real estate activities", "rootCode": "N" },...],"registeredAddress": {"fullAddress": "foo", "toponym": "foo", "streetName": "foo", "streetNumber": "foo", "hamlet": "foo", "postcode": "foo", "municipality": "foo", "province": "foo", "provinceCode": "foo", "region": "foo", "macroregion": "foo", "state": "foo", "stateCode": "it", "lat": 0.42, "lon": 0.42, "latlonPrecision": 42, "distance": 42, "validForDeliveryPurposes": false },"validIdentifiers": false, "pec": ["foo",...],"activityStatus": {"name": "foo", "since": "2015-12-24", "insolvencyProceeding": "foo" },"inGroup": false, "oggettoSociale": "foo", "oggettoSocialeContent": ["foo",...],"businessDescription": "foo", "businessDescriptionContent": ["foo",...],"agcm": {"updateTime": "2015-12-24", "visitTime": "2015-12-24", "renewing": false, "expirationDate": "2015-12-24", "procedureNumber": "foo", "outcome": "foo", "rating": "foo", "ratingDescription": "foo" },"noRea": false, "noReaInfo": {"activities": ["foo",...],"forms": ["foo",...]},"identifiers": [{"type": "foo", "name": "foo", "value": "foo" },...],"pmiSize": {"id": "small","official": true}}