Atoka API User Reference

Companies package "Economics"

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Available fields
Used by filters
balanceSheets[] - balanceSheets

Assets ("attivo") of the company.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float assetsMin assetsMax

amount of capital stock ("capitale sociale") or share capital of the company; more specifically, it comprises the nominal (or authorized) capital of the company which is an amount of share capital that the company is authorized by its constitutional documents to issue to shareholders

float -

Costs ("costi"); it's the sum of purchases ("acquisti"), staff costs ("costo del personale") and charges for services and third-party goods ("spese per servizi e godimento beni terzi"), from which the variations in raw materials ("variazione materie prime") are detracted.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

balance sheet currency ("valuta")

"string" -

balance sheet closing date ("data di chiusura del bilancio")

date -

label of the balance sheet standard

"Industriale", "Immobiliare", "Finanziaria", "Holding", "Leasing" -

Earnings Before Interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float ebitdaMin ebitdaMax ebitdaUnknown
balanceSheets[].ebitdaMargin.label Private field

label for different ranges of EBITDA margin

"less than -50%", "from -50% to 0%", "from 0% to 5%", "from 5% to 10%", "from 10% to 15%", ... ebitdaMargin
balanceSheets[].ebitdaMargin.value Private field

a measure of a company's operating profit, computed as the ratio between EBITDA and revenue

float -

Equity ("Patrimonio netto")

float -

is this the last available economics record?

true | false -

MOL (Margine Operativo Lordo).

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

Net Financial Position, in Italian is Posizione Finanziaria Netta.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

Net working capital ("capitale circolante netto")

float -

total operating revenue ("valore della produzione") or cost of sales.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

profit ("utile") – operating profit of the company.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

Purchases ("acquisti").

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

Variations in raw materials ("variazione materie prime").

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

Revenue ("ricavi")

float revenueMin revenueMax revenueUnknown

revenue trend ("trend ricavi")

float revenueTrends

label representing the revenue trend ("trend ricavi"). Can be decreasing (< -5%), stable (btw -5% and +5%), increasing (>= 5%) or incalculable if the value is not available

"string" -

Charges for services and Third-Party Goods ("spese per servizi e godimento beni terzi").

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

Staff costs ("costo del personale").

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -

year (from the balance sheet closing date)

int -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].assets Private field

Assets ("attivo") of the company.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].date Private field

balance sheet closing date ("data di chiusura del bilancio")

date -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].division Private field

label of the balance sheet standard

"Industriale", "Immobiliare", "Finanziaria", "Holding", "Leasing" -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].ebitda Private field

Earnings Before Interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].ebitdaMargin.label Private field

label for different ranges of EBITDA margin

"less than -50%", "from -50% to 0%", "from 0% to 5%", "from 5% to 10%", "from 10% to 15%", ... -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].ebitdaMargin.value Private field

a measure of a company's operating profit, computed as the ratio between EBITDA and revenue

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].equity Private field

Equity ("Patrimonio netto")

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].latest Private field

is this the last available economics record?

true | false -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].netFinancialPosition Private field

Net Financial Position, in Italian is Posizione Finanziaria Netta.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].profit Private field

profit ("utile") – operating profit of the company.

For Italian companies a special agreement with our data provider is required to access this information, therefore it will be excluded by default from the responses.

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].revenue Private field

Revenue ("ricavi")

float -
balanceSheetsConsolidated[].year Private field

year (from the balance sheet closing date)

int -

amount of capital stock ("capitale sociale") or share capital of the company; more specifically, it comprises the nominal (or authorized) capital of the company which is an amount of share capital that the company is authorized by its constitutional documents to issue to shareholders

float -
employees[] - -

date of this record

date -

is this the last available employees count?

true | false -

source of the value; it could either be "official", meaning the employees number is taken from the balance sheets or from other official sources, or "estimated".

An estimated value is only present when an official value is not available; when this happens, the list will only contain one item.

Estimated values are not available for Italian companies.

"official", "estimated" employeesSource

total number of employees (not considering the contract type)

int employeesMin employeesMax employeesUnknown

year of this record

int -
exportCountries[].name This field is deprecated

country to which this company is likely to export its products

Please use the package foreignMarket instead
"string" -
exportCountries[].score This field is deprecated

likelihood of this company exporting products to this country

Please use the package foreignMarket instead
float -

is the company listed in stock exchange?

true | false public

Source of the revenue

"official", "estimated", "range" revenueSource

Revenue of the company, either estimated or real

float revenueMin revenueMax revenueUnknown
seasonal Private field true | false seasonal
Example JSON fragment for package
"employees": [
"latest": false,
"year": 42,
"date": "2015-12-24",
"source": "official",
"value": 42
"capitalStock": {
"value": 0.42
"public": false,
"balanceSheets": [
"latest": false,
"year": 42,
"date": "2015-12-24",
"division": "Industriale",
"currency": "foo",
"revenue": 0.42,
"revenueTrend": 0.42,
"revenueTrendLabel": "foo",
"capitalStock": 0.42,
"mol": 0.42,
"ebitda": 0.42,
"netFinancialPosition": 0.42,
"assets": 0.42,
"production": 0.42,
"profit": 0.42,
"purchases": 0.42,
"staffCosts": 0.42,
"servicesAndTPGoodsCharges": 0.42,
"rawMaterialsVariation": 0.42,
"costs": 0.42,
"equity": 0.42,
"netWorkingCapital": 0.42,
"ebitdaMargin": {
"label": "less than -50%",
"value": 0.42
"balanceSheetsConsolidated": [
"latest": false,
"year": 42,
"date": "2015-12-24",
"division": "Industriale",
"revenue": 0.42,
"ebitda": 0.42,
"netFinancialPosition": 0.42,
"assets": 0.42,
"profit": 0.42,
"equity": 0.42,
"ebitdaMargin": {
"label": "less than -50%",
"value": 0.42
"exportCountries": [
"name": "foo",
"score": 0.42
"seasonal": false,
"revenue": {
"value": 0.42,
"source": "official"