Atoka API User Reference

Companies package "Public Funding"

See the glossary for information about the source and the license of the data.

API tokens are configured to access only the packages each user needs; this means you might not have access to the content of this package. Ask your sales contact!

Available fields
Used by filters

Information regarding how much public funding the company has received in the past 5 years.

- -

Total public funding instances the company has received in the given year.

float -

Year this information refers to.

float -

pieces of relevant text content for results with respect to full-text search on public funding free-text fields (with optional highlight of the match).

"string" publicFundingDescriptionsContent publicFundingDescriptionsContentTag tagStart tagEnd

List of frameworks ("Tipo Procedura" in Italian) related to the public funding instances a company applied for.

- publicFundingGrantedFramework

framework identifier

"string" -

short framework description

"string" -

total gross grant equivalent ("equivalente sovvenzione lorda" or ESL in Italian) summed across all instances of public funding granted to the company.

float publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentMin publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentMax
grossGrantEquivalentAllTimeByFramework.* Total gross grant equivalent ("Equivalente Sovvenzione Lorda" or ESL in Italian) received by the company overall, split by framework. Keys of this object can contain any valid framework, and can vary when new frameworks appear; currently they are: covid, deMinimisSieg, exemption, notification, sieg, ukraine, other. - -

Total of gross grant equivalent received for the given framework

float -

Number of instances of public funding received for the given framework

float -

Total gross grant equivalent ("equivalente sovvenzione lorda" or ESL in Italian) received by the company in the last 3 years for the "De Minimis" framework.

float publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentDeMinimisLast3YearsMin publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentDeMinimisLast3YearsMax publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentDeMinimisLast3YearsUnknown

Number of instances of public funding received in the last 3 years for "De Minimis" framework.

float -

total gross grant equivalent ("equivalente sovvenzione lorda" or ESL in Italian) summed across all instances of public funding granted to the company for the given framework.

This field is present only when filtering by publicFundingGrantedFramework.

float publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentMinForFramework publicFundingGrossGrantEquivalentMaxForFramework publicFundingGrantedFramework

Nominal amount ("import nominale") of funding covered by the public guarantee of in the last 5 years, split by year.

- -

Total nominal amount covered in the given year.

float -

Year this information refers to.

float -

Total nominal amount ("importo nominale", in Italian) received by the company overall, split by theme.

Keys of this object can contain any valid theme, and can vary when new themes appear; currently they are: PA, attractions, competitiveness, digitalAgenda, education, energy, environment, inclusion, occupation, renovation, researchInnovation, transportation, unknown, total.

float -

do we have any information that the company received any public funding?

true | false publicFunding

do we have any information that the company received any public funding due to Covid 19?

true | false publicFundingCovidRelated

total nominal amount (Importo Nominale in Italian) summed across all instances of public funding granted to the company.

This field is not affected by the publicFundingReceivedTheme filter, and will always return the total nominal amount received by the company.

float -

total nominal amount (Importo Nominale in Italian) summed across all instances of public funding granted to the company for the given theme.

This field is present only when filtering by publicFundingReceivedTheme.

float publicFundingReceivedNominalMinForTheme publicFundingReceivedNominalMaxForTheme publicFundingReceivedTheme

list of themes as provided by OpenCoesione related to the public funding instances a company applied for. When the information is originally missing at the public funding level, we might infer it via our Machine Learning model.

- publicFundingReceivedTheme

theme identifier

"string" -

short description of the theme

"string" -
Example JSON fragment for package
"received": false,
"receivedCovidRelated": false,
"receivedNominalAmount": 0.42,
"receivedNominalAmountForTheme": 0.42,
"receivedThemes": [
"id": "occupation",
"name": "Employment"
"grantedFrameworks": [
"id": "covid",
"name": "TF COVID-19"
"descriptionsContent": [
"grossGrantEquivalent": 0.42,
"grossGrantEquivalentForFramework": 0.42,
"grossGrantEquivalentAllTimeByFramework": {
"foo": {
"amount": 1000000,
"count": 4
"bar": {
"amount": 1000000,
"count": 4
"baz": {
"amount": 1000000,
"count": 4
"grossGrantEquivalentDeMinimisLast3Years": {
"amount": 1000000,
"count": 4
"nominalAmountAllTimeByTheme": {
"foo": 0.42,
"bar": 0.42,
"baz": 0.42
"guaranteeFundsLast5Years": [
"year": 2020,
"amount": 3000000
"countsLast5Years": [
"year": 2020,
"count": 3