Atoka API User Reference
Companies package "Sectors"
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Available fields | Description | Data | Used by filters | Facet | Match | Stats |
count | Total number of sectors the company belongs to | int | - | |||
items[].ateco[].code Private field | ATECO 2007 code (the most specific one) | "string" | - | |||
items[].ateco[].description Private field | short description of ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
items[].ateco[].rootCode Private field | the class of the ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
items[].criticalVars[] | A list of critical variables, or points, for the sector; present only when | "string" | - | |||
items[].economicsSector | Whether this sector contains "economics" fields ( | true | false | - | |||
items[].id | Unique ID identifying the sector | "string" | - | |||
items[].infoSector | Whether this sector contains "info" fields such as | true | false | - | |||
items[].opportunities[] | A list of opportunities for the sector; present only when | "string" | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].creditsRotationDays | Credits Rotation Days mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].debtCov | Debt Coverage index mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].debtsRotationDays | Debt Rotation Days mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].ebitdaMarginMol | EBITDA Margin mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].fixedAssetsCov | Fixed Assets Coverage index mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].leverage | Leverage mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].mol | MOL mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].operatingWorkingOnRev | Operating Working Capital On Revenue mean value of companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].revenue | Revenue reference value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].roe | ROE mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].roi | ROI mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].warehouseTurnoverDays | Warehouse Turnover Days mean value for companies in this sector | float | - | |||
items[].secBalanceSheets[].year | Year of reference for the sector economics | int | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].apparentConsumption | Apparent consumption total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].export | Export total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].exportOnProd | Export on production total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].import | Import total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].importOnCons | Import on Apparent Consumption total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].production | Production total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].tradeBalance | Trade Balance total for this sector (in Millions) | float | - | |||
items[].secNumbers[].year | Year of reference for the sector totals | int | - | |||
items[].summary | A textual description of the sector (in Italian); present only when | "string" | - | |||
items[].threats[] | A list of threats for the sector; present only when | "string" | - | |||
items[].title | The name of the sector (in Italian); present only when | "string" | - | |||
items[].type | The type of sector | "settore", "ateco" | - |
Example JSON fragment for package
{"count": 42, "items": [{"id": "HB03", "type": "settore", "title": "Viteria e bulloneria", "infoSector": false, "economicsSector": false, "summary": "Il settore è caratterizzato dalla presenza di un migliaio di imprese: risultano [...]", "ateco": [{"code": "64.92.09", "description": "altre attività creditizie nca", "rootCode": "G" },...],"criticalVars": ["investimenti sul ciclo produttivo e logistico",...],"opportunities": ["politiche istituzionali anti-dumping",...],"threats": ["crescente concorrenza dei prodotti di provenienza asiatica",...],"secNumbers": [{"year": 2018, "apparentConsumption": 0.42, "export": 0.42, "exportOnProd": 0.42, "import": 0.42, "importOnCons": 0.42, "production": 0.42, "tradeBalance": 0.42 },...],"secBalanceSheets": [{"year": 2018, "creditsRotationDays": 0.42, "debtCov": 0.42, "debtsRotationDays": 0.42, "ebitdaMarginMol": 0.42, "fixedAssetsCov": 0.42, "leverage": 0.42, "mol": 0.42, "operatingWorkingOnRev": 0.42, "revenue": 0.42, "roe": 0.42, "roi": 0.42, "warehouseTurnoverDays": 0.42 },...]},...]}