Atoka API User Reference
Companies package "Technologies"
API tokens are configured to access only the packages each user needs; this means you might not have access to the content of this package. Ask your sales contact!
Available fields | Description | Data | Used by filters | Facet | Match | Stats |
analytics[] | - | - | ||||
analytics[].name | name of analytics technology used | "string" | analytics | |||
analytics[].sources[] | websites where the technology has been found | "string" | - | |||
analytics[].version | software version | "string" | - | |||
apps[] | list of applications available on the company website | - | - | |||
apps[].id | application id of the store | "string" | - | |||
apps[].link | company website page where the link to the app was found | "string" | - | |||
apps[].type | category of the application (e.g. itunes, googleplay, ...) | "itunes", "play" | apps | |||
blog[] | - | - | ||||
blog[].name | name of blog technology used | "string" | blog | |||
blog[].sources[] | websites where the technology has been found | "string" | - | |||
blog[].version | software version | "string" | - | |||
cms[] | - | - | ||||
cms[].name | name of CMS technology used | "string" | cms | |||
cms[].sources[] | websites where the technology has been found | "string" | - | |||
cms[].version | software version | "string" | - | |||
ecommerce[] | - | - | ||||
ecommerce[].name | name of E-commerce solution used | "string" | ecommerce | |||
ecommerce[].sources[] | websites where the solution has been found | "string" | - | |||
ecommerce[].version | software version | "string" | - | |||
marketing[] | - | - | ||||
marketing[].name | name of marketing tool used | "string" | marketing | |||
marketing[].sources[] | websites where the tool has been found | "string" | - | |||
marketing[].version | software version | "string" | - | |||
payments[] | - | - | ||||
payments[].name | name of payments platform used | "string" | payments | |||
payments[].sources[] | websites where the platform has been found | "string" | - | |||
payments[].version | software version | "string" | - |
Example JSON fragment for package
{"ecommerce": [{"name": "foo", "version": "foo", "sources": ["foo",...]},...],"cms": [{"name": "foo", "version": "foo", "sources": ["foo",...]},...],"blog": [{"name": "foo", "version": "foo", "sources": ["foo",...]},...],"analytics": [{"name": "foo", "version": "foo", "sources": ["foo",...]},...],"marketing": [{"name": "foo", "version": "foo", "sources": ["foo",...]},...],"payments": [{"name": "foo", "version": "foo", "sources": ["foo",...]},...],"apps": [{"type": "itunes", "id": "foo", "link": "foo" },...]}