Atoka API User Reference
Locations package "Base"
API tokens are configured to access only the packages each user needs; this means you might not have access to the content of this package. Ask your sales contact!
Available fields | Description | Data | Used by filters | Facet | Match | Stats |
active | is the location still active? | true | false | active | |||
address.distance | distance from the passed coordinates | int | distance | |||
address.fullAddress | complete address of this location | "string" | - | |||
address.hamlet | hamlet for this location | "string" | - | ||| | latitude for this location | float | lat | |||
address.latlonPrecision | precision of the geolocation data ('lat' and 'lon') | int | - | |||
address.lon | longitude for this location | float | lon | |||
address.macroregion | macro region for this location | "string" | macroregions | |||
address.municipality | municipality for this location | "string" | municipalities | |||
address.postcode | postcode for this location | "string" | postcodes | |||
address.province | province for this location | "string" | provinces | |||
address.provinceCode | code of the province for this location | "string" | - | |||
address.region | region for this location | "string" | regions | |||
address.state | state for this location | "string" | - | |||
address.stateCode | stateCode for this state | "string" | - | |||
address.streetName | name of the street where the location is | "string" | - | |||
address.streetNumber | number of building where the location is | "string" | - | |||
address.toponym | toponym describing the address (e.g. 'via', 'piazza' etc.) | "string" | - | |||
company.allAtecoInfoCamere[].code Private field | ATECO 2007 code (the most specific one) | "string" | - | |||
company.allAtecoInfoCamere[].description Private field | short description of ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
company.allAtecoInfoCamere[].relevance Private field | the relevance of the ATECO 2007 code for this company | "string" | - | |||
company.allAtecoInfoCamere[].rootCode Private field | the class of the ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
company.ateco[].code Private field | ATECO 2007 code (the most specific one) | "string" | companyAteco companyAtecoExclude | |||
company.ateco[].description Private field | short description of ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | |||
company.ateco[].rootCode Private field | the class of the ATECO 2007 code | "string" | - | ||| | Unique ID that you can use throughout the API endpoints to reference to a specific company | "string" | companies | |||
company.legalForms[].level | int | - | ||||
company.legalForms[].name | legal status of the company (e.g. "Società In Accomandita Semplice") | "string" | companyLegalForms | |||
company.legalName | legal name of the company | "string" | - | |||
registered | is this the registered location of the company? (in Italy this would be the "sede legale"). | true | false | registered | |||
sign | the "sign" ("insegna") identifying this location | "string" | - | |||
type | the location type (a warehouse, a restaurant, etc) | "string" | types |
Example JSON fragment for package
{"sign": "foo", "active": false, "registered": false, "type": "foo", "address": {"fullAddress": "foo", "toponym": "foo", "streetName": "foo", "streetNumber": "foo", "hamlet": "foo", "postcode": "foo", "municipality": "foo", "province": "foo", "provinceCode": "foo", "region": "foo", "macroregion": "foo", "state": "foo", "stateCode": "foo", "lat": 0.42, "lon": 0.42, "latlonPrecision": 42, "distance": 42 },"company": {"id": "foo", "legalForms": [{"level": 42,"name": "foo" },...],"legalName": "foo", "ateco": [{"code": "64.92.09", "description": "altre attività creditizie nca", "rootCode": "G" },...],"allAtecoInfoCamere": [{"code": "64.92.09", "description": "altre attività creditizie nca", "rootCode": "G", "relevance": "Primaria Albo Artigiani" },...]}}