Atoka API User Reference



When using some the location filters of Company Search, you need the list of possible values for those fields.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • namePrefix string required

    Matches only admininistrative divisions whose name begins with this text.

  • types array,
    default is *

    Restrict matches to specific kinds of elements.

    Please note that you cannot search for type macroregion, at the moment.

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • continent
    • subregion
    • intermediateregion
    • state
    • macroregion
    • postcode
    • region
    • province
    • municipality
    • * matches for any value
  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries. This can be any valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char.

curl -G "" -d "namePrefix=rovere" -d "types=province" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of Location objects, with two properties:

  • type, the kind of object found (one of: macroregion, region, province and municipality).
  • name, the name of the object matched.
"items": [
"type": "municipality",
"value": "Rovereto",
"code": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Analytics platforms

When using the analytics filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list detected analytics platforms.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "webtrends"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34


When using the ATECO based filter you need a list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string required

    Current implementation will search for this text as Ateco Code or somewhere in the description of ATECO codes.

    We'll soon enable more advanced query options.

curl -G "" -d "query=altre attività creditizie"


The response contains an items array of ATECO objects, with these properties:

  • code, the matched ATECO Code;
  • description, a descriptive text explaining the numeric code.
"items": [
"code": "64.92.09",
"description": "altre attività creditizie nca",
"rootCode": "G"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Blog platforms

When using the blog filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list of detected blogging platoforms.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "wordpress"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Business Categories Generating Revenue

When using the businessCategoriesGeneratingRevenue and businessCategoriesGeneratingRevenueExclude filters of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list of extracted business categories.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only forms whose name contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "vendite merci"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Cadastral Category

When using the People Real Estate API API you need a list of possible values for the cadastral category field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string required

    Search for this text as Cadastral Category Code or somewhere in the description of category.

curl -G "" -d "query=abitazioni"


The response contains an items array of Cadastral Category objects, with these properties:

  • code, the matched Cadastral Category Selection code;
  • label, a descriptive text explaining the numeric code.
"items": [
"code": "A/2",
"label": "Abitazioni di tipo civile"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34


When using the certifications filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only certifications whose type contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of certifications objects, with these properties:

  • type, the matched certification type.
"items": [
"value": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Certification Categories

When using the certification categories filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those containing a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only certification categories whose name contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of certification categories objects, with these properties:

  • id (eg: iso 9001), the value that should be passed to certificationCategories and certificationCategoriesExclude;
  • code (eg: ISO 1), the code of the certification;
  • label (eg: Edifici civili e industriali), the category label (in ITA);
"items": [
"id": "foo",
"label": "foo",
"code": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

SOA Certifications

When using the soa certifications filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those containing a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only certifications whose type contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of SOA certification categories objects, with these properties:

  • id (eg: og 1:iii-bis), the value that should be passed to soaCertificationCategories and soaCertificationCategoriesExclude;
  • code (eg: OG 1), the classification code of the certification;
  • label (eg: Edifici civili e industriali), the category label (in ITA);
  • classification (eg: III-bis), the classification name of the certification.
"items": [
"id": "foo",
"label": "foo",
"code": "foo",
"classification": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

CMS platforms

When using the cms filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list of detected CMS platoforms.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "wordpress"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

E-commerce platforms

When using the ecommerce filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list detected e-commerce platforms.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "magento"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34


When using the Semantic Enrichment filters, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10"


  • queryPrefix string required

    Matches on entities whose title (or one of his alias names) begins with this text.

    We'll soon enable more advanced query options.

  • lang string,
    default is "it"

    Language of the entity.

    Choose only one among:

    • it
    • en
    • de
    • pt
    • fr
    • es
curl -G "" -d "queryPrefix=Mecc"


The response contains an items array of Entity objects, each with these properties:

  • lang, the language of the entity;
  • name, the name of the entity;
  • uri, the unique Wikipedia/DBpedia URI representing this entity.
"items": [
"name": "Meccatronica",
"uri": "foo",
"title": "foo",
"spot": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Real Estate Entitlement

When using the People Real Estate API API you need a list of possible values for the entitlement field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string required

    Search for this text as Entitlement name

curl -G "" -d "query=abitazione"


The response contains an items array of Entitlement objects,

"items": [
"code": "A/2",
"label": "Abitazioni di tipo civile"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Government Types

When using the govTypes filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • namePrefix string required

    Matches only government organization types whose name begins with this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "namePrefix=istituti" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of legalForm objects, with these properties:

  • name, the matched legal form.
"items": [
"value": "Istituti di Istruzione"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34


When using the groups filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only groups whose ids or head of group name contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of groups objects, with these properties:

  • id, the id of matched group.
  • label, the name of the head of group
"items": [
"id": "foo",
"label": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Legal Forms

When using the legalForms filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • namePrefix string required

    Matches only legal forms whose name begins with this text (the results will also include the parent or children of the matched legal forms).

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "namePrefix=responsabilità" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of legalForm objects, with these properties:

  • name, the matched legal form.
"items": [
"value": "società a responsabilità limitata"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Marketing Tools

When using the marketing filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list detected online marketing tools.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "yoast seo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Market Sectors

When using the Market sectors based filter you need a list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string required

    Will search for this text as Market Sector code or somewhere in the description of the sector.

    In case your search matches some sector/macro sector, the API will return the whole hierarchy of the nodes (sector, division and industry). You can filter the nodes using the level parameter.

  • level array,
    default is *

    Restrict the search only to a specific level of nodes in the tree

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • sector
    • division
    • industry
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "query=Bevande"


The response contains an items array of Market Sector sector objects

"items": [
"code": "foo",
"label": "foo",
"industry": "foo",
"division": "foo",
"sector": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34


When using the Nace filter you need a list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string required

    Current implementation will search for this text as Nace Code or somewhere in the description of Nace codes.

    We'll soon enable more advanced query options.

  • lang string,
    default is "en"

    Language to be used to show and search the code description

    Choose only one among:

    • en
    • it
    • ru
curl -G "" -d "query=выращивание риса"


The response contains an items array of NACE objects, with these properties:

  • code, the matched Nace Code;
  • description, a descriptive text explaining the numeric code.
"items": [
"code": "68",
"description": "Real estate activities",
"rootCode": "N"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

No Rea Activities

When using the noReaActivities filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only activities whose name contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of groups objects, with these properties:

  • id, the full name of that activity.
"items": [
"name": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

No Rea Forms

When using the noReaForms filter, you need the list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just those contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • query string required

    Matches only forms whose name contains this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


The response contains an items array of groups objects, with these properties:

  • id, the full name of that activity.
"items": [
"name": "foo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Payments platforms

When using the payments filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can seach for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list detected payment platforms.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • countries array,
    default is it

    Restrict matches to those valid in specific countries.

    If you are interested in accessing data from European countries: just get in touch with us at

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • no
    • at
    • be
    • ch
    • cz
    • de
    • dk
    • es
    • fr
    • gb
    • gr
    • hu
    • ie
    • nl
    • pl
    • pt
    • ro
    • se
    • si
    • sk
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "countries=it"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"value": "paypal"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

People Positions Roles

When using the companiesRoles filter of People Search, you need the list of possible values you can search for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list of known roles of people in companies.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • namePrefix string required

    Matches only roles whose name begins with this text.

  • countries array,
    default is it

    Find roles of people in the specified countries.

    For the moment the only country covered is Italy (it).

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • it
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "namePrefix=amminis"


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"name": "amministratore delegato"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Insolvency Proceedings

When using the insolvencyProceedings filter of Company Search, you need the list of possible values you can search for.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list of known insolvency proceeding types for companies.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • query string required

    Allows to filter only those proceedings whose name matches the input query.

curl -G "" -d "query=scioglim"


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


This is the structure of the response:

"items": [
"name": "amministratore delegato"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

SIRC sectors

When using the SIRC based filter you need a list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string required

    Will search for this text as SIRC sector code or somewhere in the description of SIRC sector.

    In case your search matches some sector/macro sector, the API will return the whole hierarchy of the nodes (sector, macro sector and industry). You can filter the nodes using the level parameter.

  • level array,
    default is *

    Restrict the search only to a specific level of nodes in the tree

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • sector
    • macroSector
    • industry
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "query=Birra"


The response contains an items array of SIRC sector objects

"items": [
"code": "B.A.04",
"level": "sector",
"sector": "Birra",
"macroSector": "Bevande",
"industry": "Largo consumo"
"meta": {
"count": 34,
"limit": 34,
"offset": 34

Geo Stats

When using the geoStats based filter you need a list of possible values for that field.

Using this endpoint, you can get the full list, or just codes contaning a certain text.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""

Ordering & Pagination

To download long lists of results you can paginate returned items using these parameters.

  • limit integer,
    default is 10

    This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

    Use a number between 0 and 50.

  • offset integer,
    default is 0

    This offsets the start of each page by the number specified.

    Use a number between 0 and 9950.

curl -G "" -d "limit=10" -d "offset=30"


  • query string

    Search for the text in the geostat code or description.

  • provenance string

    Search for geo stats for a specific source

curl -G "" -d "query=building"


The response contains an items array of geoStats objects, with these properties:

  • code, the matched geostat code;
  • description, a descriptive text explaining the code
  • provenance the source of the geoStat
"items": [
"code": "foo",
"description": "foo",
"provenance": "foo"

Check Vat/Tax codes

This API provides basic funcionality to verify a Vat/Tax codes. It supports different kind of checks, which can be turned on or off at will (see the checks parameter). Checks are country-related, and are not all available for all the countries.

Registries supported are currently two:

  • VIES - VAT number validation: it is a service provided by the European Commission to validate VAT-identification numbers of economic operators registered in the European Union for cross border transactions on goods or services.
  • Atoka: the Italian business registry.

Here is a complete list of supported countries, and the syntactic / registry checks available.

Country Code Syntactic Checks Registry Checks
Austria AT Supported (UID) Supported (VIES)
Belgium BE Supported (BTW-nr) Supported (VIES)
Bulgaria BG Supported (ДДС номер) Supported (VIES)
Cyprus CY Supported (ΦΠΑ) Supported (VIES)
Czech Republic CZ Supported (DIČ) Supported (VIES)
Germany DE Supported (USt-IdNr.) Supported (VIES)
Denmark DK Supported (CVR) Supported (VIES)
Estonia EE Supported (KMKR) Supported (VIES)
Greece EL Supported (Arithmós Mētrṓou Fi-Pi-A) Supported (VIES)
Spain ES Supported (NIF/CIF) Supported (VIES)
Finland FI Supported (ALV nro) Supported (VIES)
France FR Supported (n° TVA) Supported (VIES)
United Kingdom GB Supported (VAT Reg No) Not supported
Croatia HR Supported (PDV-ID) Supported (VIES)
Hungary HU Supported (ANUM) Supported (VIES)
Ireland IE Supported (VAT no) Supported (VIES)
Italy IT Supported (P.IVA, C.Fisc.) Supported (VIES, Atoka)
Lithuania LT Supported (PVM kodas) Supported (VIES)
Luxembourg LU Supported (No. TVA) Supported (VIES)
Latvia LV Supported (PVN) Supported (VIES)
Malta MT Supported (Vat No.) Supported (VIES)
The Netherlands NL Supported (Btw-nr.) Supported (VIES)
Poland PL Supported (NIP) Supported (VIES)
Portugal PT Supported (NIF/NIPC) Supported (VIES)
Romania RO Supported (CIF) Supported (VIES)
Sweden SE Supported (Momsnr.) Supported (VIES)
Slovenia SI Supported (ID za DDV) Supported (VIES)
Slovakia SK Supported (IČ DPH) Supported (VIES)

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


  • code string required

    This is the Vat/Tax code to be verified

  • countryCode string required

    The ISO-3166-2 code of the country the Vat/Tax code refers to.

  • checks array

    The kind of checks to be performed; there are two kind of checks:

    • syntactic: validate the structure of the code;
    • registry: search the code on registries to make sure it exists.

    By default both type of checks are run. Registry checks are heavier, so you might consider turning them off if you don't need them.

    Accepts multiple values, separated with , (comma) char: will match on any value (logic OR).

    Possible values are:

    • syntactic
    • registry
    • * matches for any value
curl -G "" -d "code=02241890223" -d "countryCode=IT" -d "checks=registry"


The response contains information about the validity of the code sent, as well as the list of checks run.

"type": "taxCode",
"valid": false,
"name": "foo",
"checks": [
"name": "foo",
"type": "syntactic",
"valid": false

AcheneId Lookup

Given an acheneId, scan all our indices for it and return some basic information about the related resource.{acheneId}

Replace {acheneId} with the acheneId to lookup.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G "{acheneId}"


Information about the subject referenced by the given achene ID, if found.

"id": "foo",
"country": "it",
"type": "company",
"label": "foo"

Text Query Checker

Given a text query, such as IoT AND "arduino" NOT raspberry, check whether it's well formed. This endpoint can be used to check an user query before submitting an API call to any fulltext filter.

All requests must be properly authenticated.


  • query string required

    the query to check

curl -G "" -d "query=IoT AND "arduino" NOT raspberry"


  • token string required

    All requests must be properly authenticated; see the Authentication section for more info

curl -G ""


Whether the query is valid or not, and a validation message if it isn't.

"valid": false,
"message": "foo"